일시 2022.04.24-05.15

시간 수-일 13:00-19:00

참여작가 김민

설치 및 제작 권록환

디자인 만선스튜디오

주최/주관 00의 00


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스크린샷 2022-06-26 오전 1.32.21.png

<A big chatty pocket> is an exhibition about the joy of spontaneous image creation and the moments when images create stories. The 200 short moving images and accompanying photographic images are the result of Kim's ongoing collection of everyday scenes. The images also feature VR animals and virtual people. The exhibition applies visual principles such as color, objectivity, and composition from the selection to the arrangement of the images, but draws attention to the fact that numerous unintentional stories are created among the gathered images.

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